Start or expand your library with 15 of the most popular Level 2 readers! Students enjoy the array of choices available during Free Voluntary Reading time. Each title offers something different–something for everyone! No substitutions on titles or quantities.Save $$$ when you buy FVR bundles!Bundle includes one of each of the following titles: a “” target=”_blank”Fiesta fatal/em (1B4380)/a a “” target=”_blank”Mi propio auto/em (1B6008)/a a “” target=”_blank”Los bucaneros y el Templo del Jaguar/em (1B7149)/a a “” target=”_blank”Rival/em (1B3884)/aa “” target=”_blank”Celoso por amor/em Acquisition Reader (1B6825)/a a “” target=”_blank”Paco y Luc;iacute;a/em Acquisition Reader (1B6824)/a a “” target=”_blank”Los novios/em Enhanced Reader (1B6673)/a a “″El intercambio/em Enhanced Reader (1B6674)/a a “”;iexcl;S;iacute;, yo puedo!/em Enhanced Reader (1B6675)/a a “” target=”_blank”Pobre Ana bail;oacute; tango/em (1B2131)/a a “″ target=”_blank”;iexcl;Viva el toro!/em (1B6206)/a a “” target=”_blank”El viaje perdido/em (1B0686)/a a “” target=”_blank”Cartas a Susana/em (1B3268)/a a “” target=”_blank”Cartas a Miguelito/em (1B4872)/a a “” target=”_blank”Don Quijote/em Enhanced Reader (1B6900)/a Click on the titles above to learn more about the readers in the bundle!/Copyright 2009dash;2019. Spanish. Level 2. Middle school, high school. Bundle of 15 readers. 5 x 7 and 8 x 10 inches. Softcover, page counts vary.