Civil Rights Act Document Poster


Enhance access to this primary source document.Focus on relevant passages that highlight the impact and importancePromotes a deeper understanding of textVisual reference guide ties directly to curriculum and subject contentDownload a free Teachable Moments fact sheet from the Additional Info tabCopyright 2014, Teacher’s Discovery. 13 x 29 inches. Laminated to last. Middle/high school. Buy the set and save ~ enter 3K0685 in the search bar for the Documents in American History Set of 5 Posters./span

SKU: 1216524961 Category:


Enhance access to this primary source document.Focus on relevant passages that highlight the impact and importancePromotes a deeper understanding of textVisual reference guide ties directly to curriculum and subject contentDownload a free Teachable Moments fact sheet from the Additional Info tabCopyright 2014, Teacher’s Discovery. 13 x 29 inches. Laminated to last. Middle/high school. Buy the set and save ~ enter 3K0685 in the search bar for the Documents in American History Set of 5 Posters./span