La mochila Spanish Level 1 Reader


Oscar finally receives his permanent resident/green card after many years of living and working with his cousins in Kansas. With his hard-earned money, he travels out of state to purchase a new vehicle at a great price. Along the way, he loses something extremely important.Michelle and Marcos hope to bring their family to live with them in New Mexico, but need money to secure a good lawyer and finish paperwork. Michelle stumbles upon something that could change her luck.See how the lives of these strangers intertwine in San Antonio, Texas.Level 1br /Total Words: 4,266br /Unique Words: 320br /Tense(s): presentbr /Glossary: yesCopyright 2018. Spanish. Level 1. Middle school, high school. 5 x 8 inches. Softcover, 55 pages.img alt=”” src=”//” style=”float: left; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin: 0px 6px; height: 155px; padding-right: 10px;” /About the AuthorJennifer Degenhardt taught middle and high school Spanish for 24 years. She decided to combine her language skills with storytelling, specifically involving kids and culture. Her books highlight cultural, social, economic, and political themes necessary for continued conversation, both inside and outside the classroom. She hopes her stories will provide a platform for discussion, as anything can be solved–to some degree–with a conversation.

SKU: 1216524091 Category:


Oscar finally receives his permanent resident/green card after many years of living and working with his cousins in Kansas. With his hard-earned money, he travels out of state to purchase a new vehicle at a great price. Along the way, he loses something extremely important.Michelle and Marcos hope to bring their family to live with them in New Mexico, but need money to secure a good lawyer and finish paperwork. Michelle stumbles upon something that could change her luck.See how the lives of these strangers intertwine in San Antonio, Texas.Level 1br /Total Words: 4,266br /Unique Words: 320br /Tense(s): presentbr /Glossary: yesCopyright 2018. Spanish. Level 1. Middle school, high school. 5 x 8 inches. Softcover, 55 pages.img alt=”” src=”//” style=”float: left; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin: 0px 6px; height: 155px; padding-right: 10px;” /About the AuthorJennifer Degenhardt taught middle and high school Spanish for 24 years. She decided to combine her language skills with storytelling, specifically involving kids and culture. Her books highlight cultural, social, economic, and political themes necessary for continued conversation, both inside and outside the classroom. She hopes her stories will provide a platform for discussion, as anything can be solved–to some degree–with a conversation.