Novel Guide Rhetoric, Literary, and Figurative Language Devices Mini-Poster Set of 54 Posters


Strengthens your students;#39; understanding of key devices for literature and nonfiction. Each of the 54 posters displays a term, its definition, and an illustrating quotation from literature or nonfiction.table border=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ tbody tr td colspan=”4″ style=”width:480px;height:11px;” Set includes: /td /tr tr td style=”width:42px;height:289px;” /td td style=”width:150px;height:289px;” Figurative Language Termsbr / ;bull; alliterationbr / ;bull; allusionbr / ;bull; analogybr / ;bull; assonancebr / ;bull; clich;eacute;br / ;bull; consonancebr / ;bull; euphemismbr / ;bull; hyperbolebr / ;bull; idiombr / ;bull; imagerybr / ;bull; ironybr / ;bull; metaphorbr / ;bull; onomatopoeiabr / ;bull; oxymoronbr / ;bull; paradoxbr / ;bull; personificationbr / ;bull; punbr / ;bull; simile /td td style=”width:150px;height:289px;” Literary Termsbr / and Devicesbr / ;bull; antagonistbr / ;bull; characterizationbr / ;bull; climaxbr / ;bull; conflictbr / ;bull; connotationbr / ;bull; dialoguebr / ;bull; figurative languagebr / ;bull; flashbackbr / ;bull; foreshadowingbr / ;bull; genrebr / ;bull; plotbr / ;bull; point of viewbr / ;bull; protagonistbr / ;bull; resolutionbr / ;bull; settingbr / ;bull; stylebr / ;bull; symbolbr / ;bull; theme /td td style=”width:138px;height:289px;” Devices forbr / Rhetoricbr / ;bull; alliterationbr / ;bull; allusionbr / ;bull; analogybr / ;bull; contradictionbr / ;bull; dictionbr / ;bull; hyperbolebr / ;bull; imagerybr / ;bull; juxtapositionbr / ;bull; metaphorbr / ;bull; parallelismbr / ;bull; personificationbr / ;bull; repetitionbr / ;bull; rhetorical questionbr / ;bull; satirebr / ;bull; symbolismbr / ;bull; syntaxbr / ;bull; thesisbr / ;bull; tone /td /tr /tbody/tablete: Alliteration/, allusion/, analogy/, hyperbole/, imagery/, metaphor/, and personification/ are repeated terms as both literary and rhetorical examples are included in the combined poster set.Set of 54 posters. High school. 12 x 12 inches. Coated cardstock.

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Strengthens your students;#39; understanding of key devices for literature and nonfiction. Each of the 54 posters displays a term, its definition, and an illustrating quotation from literature or nonfiction.table border=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ tbody tr td colspan=”4″ style=”width:480px;height:11px;” Set includes: /td /tr tr td style=”width:42px;height:289px;” /td td style=”width:150px;height:289px;” Figurative Language Termsbr / ;bull; alliterationbr / ;bull; allusionbr / ;bull; analogybr / ;bull; assonancebr / ;bull; clich;eacute;br / ;bull; consonancebr / ;bull; euphemismbr / ;bull; hyperbolebr / ;bull; idiombr / ;bull; imagerybr / ;bull; ironybr / ;bull; metaphorbr / ;bull; onomatopoeiabr / ;bull; oxymoronbr / ;bull; paradoxbr / ;bull; personificationbr / ;bull; punbr / ;bull; simile /td td style=”width:150px;height:289px;” Literary Termsbr / and Devicesbr / ;bull; antagonistbr / ;bull; characterizationbr / ;bull; climaxbr / ;bull; conflictbr / ;bull; connotationbr / ;bull; dialoguebr / ;bull; figurative languagebr / ;bull; flashbackbr / ;bull; foreshadowingbr / ;bull; genrebr / ;bull; plotbr / ;bull; point of viewbr / ;bull; protagonistbr / ;bull; resolutionbr / ;bull; settingbr / ;bull; stylebr / ;bull; symbolbr / ;bull; theme /td td style=”width:138px;height:289px;” Devices forbr / Rhetoricbr / ;bull; alliterationbr / ;bull; allusionbr / ;bull; analogybr / ;bull; contradictionbr / ;bull; dictionbr / ;bull; hyperbolebr / ;bull; imagerybr / ;bull; juxtapositionbr / ;bull; metaphorbr / ;bull; parallelismbr / ;bull; personificationbr / ;bull; repetitionbr / ;bull; rhetorical questionbr / ;bull; satirebr / ;bull; symbolismbr / ;bull; syntaxbr / ;bull; thesisbr / ;bull; tone /td /tr /tbody/tablete: Alliteration/, allusion/, analogy/, hyperbole/, imagery/, metaphor/, and personification/ are repeated terms as both literary and rhetorical examples are included in the combined poster set.Set of 54 posters. High school. 12 x 12 inches. Coated cardstock.