Pretérito vs. Imperfecto Mnemonic Spanish Poster Set


;iquest;Hab;iacute;a o hubo un accidente? /emWith this mnemonic Spanish poster set, easily explain when to use the pret;eacute;rito /emversus the imperfecto,/em as well as teach an effective mnemonic device that enables students to remember context clues that require the preterite tense.Copyright 2018. Five posters, 13 x 19 inches each. Cardstock.

SKU: 1216526495 Category:


;iquest;Hab;iacute;a o hubo un accidente? /emWith this mnemonic Spanish poster set, easily explain when to use the pret;eacute;rito /emversus the imperfecto,/em as well as teach an effective mnemonic device that enables students to remember context clues that require the preterite tense.Copyright 2018. Five posters, 13 x 19 inches each. Cardstock.