Voces® French 2 Digital Resource Subscription – One-Year, Teacher + Unlimited Students


Introducing Voces French 2/, a digital resource that immerses your students in the francophone world via interpretive tasks, Integrated Performance Assessments (IPAs), cultural readings, and authentic images and videos. Plus, Voces serves this exceptional content on an online platform that is flexible, interactive, and easy to use.br/br/Engage your students with ACTFL-aligned multimedia and targeted tasks. From the moment students log in, they are enveloped by a truly authentic experience, including full-color photos of the francophone world, native-speaker audio, and authentic materials (e.g., commercials, websites, TV programs, and more, all made for French audiences). It’s like the students are there/–in Morocco, in Belgium, in Benin, in Quebec–with you/! br/br/Even better? This journey requires no passport, and you’ll maintain your sanity throughout. Students can work independently, and everything they do reports directly to the Teacher’s Panel. Students record their voice, holding mock conversations with native speakers, and you get to listen to those recordings from anywhere, as long as you have a device with an internet connection. Plus, many tasks are auto-graded, providing students with instant feedback and saving you time.br/br/The French 2 curriculum is flexible, allowing you to choose between the proficiency-based and more traditional curriculum. No matter how you customize the content, you will be able to manage your students’ work and progress as they journey through the text. All activities and tasks can be assigned through the easy-to-use Assigning Tool. There are also other features that bring Voces alive, including a dynamic Teacher’s Panel, a Voces internal mail feature, and a tool that allows you to add your own content alongside the existing chapter content.br/br/span style=”font-size:1.3em; font-weight:bold;”In each chapter of Voces French 2, you will find:/spanbr/li style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Integrated Performance Assessments (IPAs)li style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Authentic interpretive tasks with ACTFL Can-Do Statementsli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Cultural readings (written by native speakers in the target language) on topics in the francophone worldli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Embedded language structure li style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Clickable vocabulary with native speaker audioli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Bite-sized lessons on language structure and phoneticsli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”360;deg; panoramas with see/think/wonder-style question setsli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Tons of practice activities with interactive elements, including recording and auto-gradingli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”A robust and flexible curriculum, supporting proficiency-based and more traditional teaching strategiesli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Traditional quizzes and exams (all auto-graded) br/span style=”font-size:1.3em; font-weight:bold;”The Voces Platform/spanbr/Applicable to all Voces titles:br/li style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Compatible with PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, and all other devicesli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Web-based platformli style=”padding-bottom:0px;” downloading requiredli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Auto-grading capabilityli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Audio and videoli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Student recording feature*li style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Easy-to-use Teacher’s Panel with student data management*li style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Content customization*li style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Voces Mail**Student setup required.br/br/Try Voces French 2 in your classroom today, and see the difference! a “https://www.vocesdigital.com/trialreg.php” target=”_blank” style=”color:#fe5621; text-decoration:underline;”Click here for a FREE 10-day Trial.//abr/br/span style=”font-size:large; font-weight:bold;”Want more information? Call Voces;reg: at 800-848-0256/spanbr/

SKU: 1216525979 Category:


Introducing Voces French 2/, a digital resource that immerses your students in the francophone world via interpretive tasks, Integrated Performance Assessments (IPAs), cultural readings, and authentic images and videos. Plus, Voces serves this exceptional content on an online platform that is flexible, interactive, and easy to use.br/br/Engage your students with ACTFL-aligned multimedia and targeted tasks. From the moment students log in, they are enveloped by a truly authentic experience, including full-color photos of the francophone world, native-speaker audio, and authentic materials (e.g., commercials, websites, TV programs, and more, all made for French audiences). It’s like the students are there/–in Morocco, in Belgium, in Benin, in Quebec–with you/! br/br/Even better? This journey requires no passport, and you’ll maintain your sanity throughout. Students can work independently, and everything they do reports directly to the Teacher’s Panel. Students record their voice, holding mock conversations with native speakers, and you get to listen to those recordings from anywhere, as long as you have a device with an internet connection. Plus, many tasks are auto-graded, providing students with instant feedback and saving you time.br/br/The French 2 curriculum is flexible, allowing you to choose between the proficiency-based and more traditional curriculum. No matter how you customize the content, you will be able to manage your students’ work and progress as they journey through the text. All activities and tasks can be assigned through the easy-to-use Assigning Tool. There are also other features that bring Voces alive, including a dynamic Teacher’s Panel, a Voces internal mail feature, and a tool that allows you to add your own content alongside the existing chapter content.br/br/span style=”font-size:1.3em; font-weight:bold;”In each chapter of Voces French 2, you will find:/spanbr/li style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Integrated Performance Assessments (IPAs)li style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Authentic interpretive tasks with ACTFL Can-Do Statementsli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Cultural readings (written by native speakers in the target language) on topics in the francophone worldli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Embedded language structure li style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Clickable vocabulary with native speaker audioli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Bite-sized lessons on language structure and phoneticsli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”360;deg; panoramas with see/think/wonder-style question setsli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Tons of practice activities with interactive elements, including recording and auto-gradingli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”A robust and flexible curriculum, supporting proficiency-based and more traditional teaching strategiesli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Traditional quizzes and exams (all auto-graded) br/span style=”font-size:1.3em; font-weight:bold;”The Voces Platform/spanbr/Applicable to all Voces titles:br/li style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Compatible with PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, and all other devicesli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Web-based platformli style=”padding-bottom:0px;” downloading requiredli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Auto-grading capabilityli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Audio and videoli style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Student recording feature*li style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Easy-to-use Teacher’s Panel with student data management*li style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Content customization*li style=”padding-bottom:0px;”Voces Mail**Student setup required.br/br/Try Voces French 2 in your classroom today, and see the difference! a “https://www.vocesdigital.com/trialreg.php” target=”_blank” style=”color:#fe5621; text-decoration:underline;”Click here for a FREE 10-day Trial.//abr/br/span style=”font-size:large; font-weight:bold;”Want more information? Call Voces;reg: at 800-848-0256/spanbr/